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Knitted Timeline

October 12, 2016



My goodness.  It’s been so long.  I apologize for my absence, but I assure you I have not been idle!

I started this shawl last August, days before the new school year began.  Weeks before things would start to change for me in a very big way.  I knitted this shawl for ten months and only finished it in June, just as the school year was ending.

You see, last year I started working as an assistant and sometimes a sub at our children’s Montessori school.  This past Summer, I took my training to begin teaching this year.  This is a dream come true for me and even after all of these months of preparation, I sometimes can’t believe it’s happening.

When I look at this shawl, I can see a timeline of sorts.  I can see the beginning, I can see the months of preparation, I can see where I am now.  When I wear it around my neck or shoulders I can feel the comfort of my own company.  This shawl is worn often.  I am wearing it right now.

While at training over the Summer, a great friend sent me a package, yarn.  MadTosh, tosh light in sugar plum, to be exact.  Shortly after, I started a new shawl, a new timeline.  This shawl is another Melanie Berg pattern, Rheinlust.  Right now, it is difficult to find time for my newest shawl as my knitting fingers are often busy typing.  When I can, I knit a few stitches, maybe a few rows.  Hopefully, months from now, I will have a new record, one of my first year as a Montessori teacher.

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  1. woolandchocolate permalink
    October 12, 2016 11:12 am

    It’s gorgeous! I love when knitting turns out to be so much more than just a FO. I have baby sweaters to mark hospital stays and a shawl that got me through a miscarriage one stitch at a time. Labor socks and grieving hats. And some celebratory knits, too. Such a cool way to measure life!

    I love that you blogged after a long absence. I’ve been contemplating reviving my blogs as well. I have a lot to say and I love the people that blogging connects me with. People like you. ♥️
